Crystal Rustad | Account Executive
Crystal Rustad is an Account Executive for American Reporting Company (ARC), specializing in credit, appraisal, and verification services for mortgage lenders and brokers. In this role, she takes a hands-on approach to client onboarding; providing data analysis, cost comparisons, and educational resources to prospective clients.
Crystal has had a long tenure in the financial industry since starting as a teller at Mid Oregon Credit Union and has held her most recent position with ARC since 2016, having previously worked for Unitus Community Credit Union and State National Companies. Crystal is also very active in the mortgage industry and has held board positions with boards of Young Credit Union Professionals (YCUP) and National Association of Professional Mortgage Women (NAPMW). She is currently on the boards of Oregon Credit Union Real Estate Network (CUREN) and Credit Union Real Estate Lending Masters (CU:Realm), in addition to serving as President of Oregon Mortgage Bankers Association (OMBA) for 2023.